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Your gift makes a difference

During these times of uncertainty, the animals in our community need your help now more than ever. We currently have 100+ animals in the shelter and in foster care that require daily food and medical attention. You can ensure these animals continue receiving the lifesaving support they need.

Watch our video to see how donor dollar make a difference for animals in our care.

  Donate Today 

The Guelph Humane Society has been providing care for the animals in our community since 1893. Each year we help over 3,000 animals in need. By donating to one of the following funds, you can help make a difference in the lives of the animals in our community.

Most Urgent Need background

Most Urgent Need

Your gifts help animals in our community by supporting our most urgent funding needs.  Your donation helps vulnerable animals who have no one else to turn to.

Duke’s Fund background

Duke’s Fund

Donations to our Duke’s Fund provides specialized medical care and costly surgeries for the many animals who need dental procedures, orthopedic surgeries, and other major veterinary treatments. Visit our page on Duke’s Fund to learn more!

  I want to support Duke’s Fund! 

Senior Cat Fund background

Senior Cat Fund

Giving our wisest kitties their cat-tirement home!

Senior cats often need a little extra love before they are ready to be adopted. Your gift will help with their ongoing care, including veterinary exams, medication and special prescription diets to keep them healthy and happy. Each year, we care for and adopt out many senior cats into their loving cat-tirement homes!

  I want to help senior cats! 

Join Our Super Paws Club! background

Join Our Super Paws Club!

Join our Super Paws Club by becoming a monthly donor! You will be part of an exclusive club of animal rescuers. As a Super Paws Member, you will be at the forefront of our community saving the lives of animals who are in desperate need.

  Join Super Paws! Donate with your credit card  

  Join Super Paws! Donate from your bank account

Giving in Wills background

Giving in Wills

Including the Guelph Humane Society in your Will is incredibly generous. You can create a legacy for the future of animals in our community.

Giving in Wills


Donate your car to the Guelph Humane Society! background

Donate your car to the Guelph Humane Society!

Help save animals lives through the Donate a Car! Donate a car is a quick and easy way to recycle or dispose of your used or junk vehicle and help animals at the GHS. This environmentally friendly option is a great way to donate to help animals in need.

Donate your car now!



Other Ways to Help background

Other Ways to Help

Donate Online background

Donate Online

Donate Online


Donate via PayPal:  

You can also mail your donation or drop by in person:

Guelph Humane Society
190 Hanlon Creek Blvd
Guelph, ON  N1C 0A1

The Guelph Humane Society’s charitable registration number is 119236305RR0001.

For more information, contact 519-824-3091 or give@guelphhumane.ca.

*Eligible tax receipts are issued for deductible donations $20 and over. Monthly gift tax receipts are issued once per year.