1893 Legacy Society
Giving animals a brighter future.
Including the Guelph Humane Society in your Will is incredibly generous, and surprisingly simple. You can create a legacy for the future of animals in our community, by leaving a larger gift than may be possible during your lifetime.
There are numerous options. You can leave a percentage of your estate, property, securities, or cash. Your estate will benefit with a charitable tax receipt that may lower or even eliminate estate taxes. You can also designate the Guelph Humane Society as a beneficiary on insurance policies, RRSPs or other similar products. Speak to your lawyer or other trusted professional advisor about drafting or revisiting your Will, as well as other options for leaving a legacy.
Giving Securities
We also accept gifts of Stocks and Securities.
Please fill out the form, or contact Kim Robinson, Director of Development krobinson@guelphhumane.ca
Phone: 519-824-3091
Or, you can also donate Securities through our Canada Helps page .
Giving in Wills
Leaving a gift in your Will to the Guelph Humane Society is a meaningful tribute to your love of animals. Your gift will have a lasting impact, even after you’re gone.
Please let us know if you have included us in your Will! It allows us to thank and recognize you as an important member of the 1893 Legacy Society during your lifetime. If you wish to remain Anonymous, of course we will respect your wishes.
Is your legacy plan in honour of a past pet? If so, please let us know. Pets truly hold a special place in our lives.
Every gift makes a real difference in the lives of animals today, and in the decades to come. Thanks to you, animals in our community have hope for a healthier, happier future.
Even a gift in your will of 1% of your estate can make a difference.
Sample Will Wording
Residual Bequest in your Will:
“My estate trustees shall pay ______(all or %) of the residue of my estate to THE GUELPH HUMANE SOCIETY INCORPORATED, GUELPH, ON, for the purpose of supporting its highest priority needs.”
Legacy Bequest in your Will:
“My estate trustees shall pay the sum of $ ______ (or transfer assets with an equal value) to THE GUELPH HUMANE SOCIETY INCORPORATED, GUELPH, ON, for the purpose of supporting its highest priority needs.”
Another option is “for its own use absolutely.”
Legal Name
The name you should include in your Will to make a bequest is “THE GUELPH HUMANE SOCIETY INCORPORATED”.
Charitable Business Number: 119236305RR0001
(Disclaimer – The material listed above is intended to provide general information and should not be construed as legal or other professional advice. The above should not be used without first reviewing it with your own legal or other professional advisors to determine its suitability for your unique estate planning situation.)
Pet Stewardship
Have you planned for your own pet’s future? Be sure to update your Will and Life Insurance Policy.
Sample language for your pet should they outlive you:
In the event that there is a companion animal in my home, in my possession or under my control at the time of my death, I give possession of my companion animal(s) to the Guelph Humane Society. I direct my executor/executrix to make an advance payment to the Guelph Humane Society, at the time the Guelph Humane Society receives my companion animal(s), which amount should be sufficient to cover companion animal care costs for my companion animal(s) until such time as the bequest mentioned above can be distributed to the Guelph Humane Society. The amount paid as an advance payment to the Guelph Humane Society shall thereafter be credited against the amount I have bequeathed to the Guelph Humane Society.
Insurance Policy:
In the event that there is a companion animal in my home, in my possession or under my control at the time of my death, I give possession of my companion animal(s) to the Guelph Humane Society. To cover the costs associated with caring for my companion animal(s), I declare that I have designated the Guelph Humane Society as the beneficiary of an insurance policy on my life with [name of company], policy number *. I direct my executor/executrix to make a payment to the Guelph Humane Society at the time the Guelph Humane Society receives my companion animal(s), which amount should be sufficient to cover companion animal care costs for my companion animal(s) until such time as the proceeds of the said policy can be distributed to the Guelph Humane Society. The amount paid to the Guelph Humane Society shall be treated as a debt which is repayable to my estate if and when the Guelph Humane Society receives the proceeds of the said policy.
Gift and Estate Planning
Kim Robinson, Director of Development
Guelph Humane Society
190 Hanlon Creek Blvd
Guelph, Ontario N1C 0A1
Email: krobinson@guelphhumane.ca
Telephone: 519-824-3091