Getting Involved
Can I do my school Co-Op placement?
Yes! Please contact your school Co-Op Coordinator to learn about our Co-Op opportunities!
How are you funded?
The Guelph Humane Society is a Registered Charity that does not receive government funding. We receive funding from generous donors like you! Want to learn more about how you can help? Call us at 519-824-3091.
What will my donations be spent on?
Donations will be spent on a wide variety of needs to ensure that all animals in our care receive the appropriate care they need. This could range from medical needs, food, shelter and operational needs. If you would like your donation to go towards a specific need you can indicate so when making your donation.
How can I get involved in events?
Events are a fun way to be an ambassador for The Guelph Humane Society. It’s a great opportunity to get involved in the community, experience events, and meet a lot of great people.
To get involved with events you can contact events@guelphhumane.ca or call 519-824-3091. You can also check out the “Host a Fundraiser” page for more information.

How often do you train and bring on new volunteers?
This all depends on what area you are interested in and when the application is received to what part of the screening process the volunteer program is in. There are two steps to our screening process that needs to be completed before a volunteer is accepted. From there the volunteer must attend an orientation and training session before they may start their time here.
When do Volunteer Orientation Sessions take place?
Volunteer Orientations are by invitation only. Watch our volunteer page to apply for roles that are actively recruiting.
Do I need previous experience working with animals to volunteer at Guelph Humane Society?
Previous experience is not necessary to volunteer at the Guelph Humane Society. When most people think of volunteering at an animal shelter, they often think of what it is like to spend time with their own animals, or animals that belong to friends and family members. In looking at shelter animals, it is important to remember that shelter animals do not yet have the bond with their human family that animals in the community have. All volunteers working with animals will experience substantial on-the-job training by knowledgeable staff members and experienced volunteers. Our training is focused on animal body language, specific animal handling skills and stress reduction techniques.