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Licensing Your Pet

City of Guelph background

City of Guelph

Dog Licensing

Providing your dog with proper identification significantly increases the likelihood that your dog will get home promptly if it strays or becomes lost.

  • All dogs (older than 4 months of age) residing in the City of Guelph are to be licensed and have their license tag affixed at all times
  • Dog owners are subject to a fine if the dog is not licensed as per City of Guelph By-law # (2016)-20122

To help make licensing easier, dog owners can purchase tags, update information or order replacement tags using Docupet’s online registration system.

Other benefits of Docupet include:

  • Access to a lost pet program
  • Online pet profile and iRewards card to use at participating local businesses

Tags can also be purchased in person using credit or debit at the following locations:

Guelph Humane Society:
190 Hanlon Creek Blvd.
Guelph, ON
N1C 0A1
(519) 824-3091
Questions? Please email: info@guelphhumane.ca

Service Guelph- City Hall:
1 Carden St.
Guelph, ON
N1H 3A1
(519) 822-1260
Questions? Please email: info@guelph.ca

Now when you purchase your license, it’s valid until the date of purchase the following year! You may also renew your license up to 6 weeks prior to expiry date.

Dog License Fees

For licensing multiple pets, please note your first pet will be charged the “Single Pet” rate, then any other additional pets being licensed will be licensed at the “2+ Pets” rate.

Prices as of January 1, 2025.

Single Pet 2+ Pets*
Spayed/Neutered and Microchipped Dog $45.76 $34.32
Spayed/Neutered Dog $54.42 $42.92
Intact Dog $76.06 $60.13


The City of Guelph is able to offer a 50% reduced license fee for any residents who qualify for other city subsidies. These licenses can only be purchased at City Hall. Click here for more information. Also, for the City of Guelph, licensing prices are discounted by 25% on second and subsequent licenses purchased. Click here for more information.

Cat Registration

  • All cats in the City of Guelph are required to be licensed
  • Your cat can be registered online through Docupet’s online tool or at the Guelph Humane Society
  • You will receive an identification tag which can be affixed to your cats’ break-away collar
  • The Guelph Humane Society strongly recommends having a break-away collar for your cat
  • You can purchase a break-away collar at the Guelph Humane Society and most local pet stores

Cat License Fees

Single Pet 2+ Pets
Cat $28.56 $21.42
Township of Guelph/Eramosa background

Township of Guelph/Eramosa

Dog Licensing

  • All dogs in the Township are required to be licensed under by-law 80/2016
  • The dog tag must be fixed on the dog at all times

Starting January 1, 2020, all dog tag purchases must be made through DocuPet. However, you do not need to opt in to the additional services that DocuPet provides.

Residents can also purchase their dog tag(s) through DocuPet at the municipal office with assistance from Township staff during regular business hours, or with the help of Guelph Humane Society staff over the phone (519-824-3091).

To help make licensing easier, dog owners can purchase tags, update information or order replacement tags using Docupet’s online registration system.

Other benefits of Docupet include:

  • Access to a lost pet program
  • Online pet profile and iRewards card to use at participating local businesses

Dog License Fees

One (1) fertile dog $38
One (1) spayed/neutered dog $33
Replacement tag $5


Please note a $5 late fee applies 30 days following license expiration.

Township of Centre Wellington background

Township of Centre Wellington

Dog Licensing

  • The Dog-Control By-law requires that all dog owners license their dog

To obtain a dog license, update information or order replacement tags for the Township of Centre Wellington, there are three options:

  • As of January 1, 2022, pet owners of Centre Wellington can purchase and renew their dog licenses through Docupet. Click here.
  • Click here to fill out an online Dog Tag renewal or to obtain a Dog Tag Application form and submit it to the Township Office
  • Or visit the Guelph Humane Society to pick up your license today!

Dog License Fees

Dog Tags $46
Dog Tags after expiry $58
Replacement Tag $10

For all other areas, please contact your local municipality for information on licensing your pet.