Common By-laws and Concerns
The Guelph Humane Society provides animal services and enforces animal by-laws in the City of Guelph, Township of Centre Wellington, and in the Township of Guelph-Eramosa. Services may vary depending on the jurisdiction. Please see each area below for a description of the services we provide
Animal control refers to the enforcement of outlined animal by-laws for each city or township.
Questions about animal by-laws in the service areas below?
Contact our Animal Services Team by calling 519-824-3091 or via email at animalservices@guelphhumane.ca

City of Guelph
In the City of Guelph, the Guelph Humane Society responds to the following:
Services provided during operating hours
- Pick-up and impoundment of dogs running at large
- Assisting with stray or injured cats
- Pick-up and assistance with sick, injured or orphaned wildlife
- Pick-up deceased companion and wild animals on public property and roadways
- By-law enforcement as per the animal control by-laws
- Conduct investigations into dogs that have bit, attacked or otherwise posed a risk to public safety under the Dog Owners’ Liability Act
- Responding to all items included below as emergency services
Emergency services provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including during business hours), 365 days a year
- Assisting animals in distress including sick, injured or orphaned companion animals or wildlife
- Responding to calls regarding animals that pose an immediate risk to public safety, including dogs running at large
- Pick up and impoundment of confined companion animals that cannot be safely kept by the finder
- Responding to requests for assistance from police and emergency services, public health or any authority or person concerned about the safety of the animal or member of the public
For more information about the Animal Control By-laws in the City of Guelph click here.

Township of Centre Wellington
In the Township of Centre Wellington, the Guelph Humane Society responds to the following:
Services provided during operating hours
- Pick up and impoundment of dogs running at large
- Assisting with stray or injured cats
- Pick up and assistance with sick, injured or orphaned wildlife
- Pick up of deceased companion animals on public property and roadways
- By-law enforcement as per the animal control by-laws
Emergency services provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including during business hours)
- Assisting animals in distress including sick, injured or orphaned companion animals or wildlife
- Responding to calls regarding animals that pose an immediate risk to public safety, including dogs running at large
- Responding to requests for assistance from police and emergency services, public health or any authority or person concerned about the safety of the animal or member of the public
For more information about the Dog Control By-law in the Township of Centre Wellington click here.

Township of Guelph Eramosa
In the Township of Guelph Eramosa, the Guelph Humane Society responds to the following:
Services provided during operating hours
- Pick up and impoundment of dogs running at large
- Assisting with stray or injured cats
- Pick up and assistance with sick, injured or orphaned wildlife
- Pick up of deceased companion animals on public property and roadways
- By-law enforcement as per the animal control by-laws
Emergency services provided 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including during business hours)
- Assisting animals in distress including sick, injured or orphaned companion animals or wildlife
- Responding to calls regarding animals that pose an immediate risk to public safety, including dogs running at large
- Responding to requests for assistance from police and emergency services, public health or any authority or person concerned about the safety of the animal or member of the public
For more information about the Dog/Animal Control By-law in the Township of Guelph Eramosa click here.

Other service areas
The Guelph Humane Society is able to provide services to other areas in Wellington County. These areas include: Town of Minto, Township of Mapleton, Township of Wellington North, and the Township of Puslinch.
In these areas, the Guelph Humane Society responds to the following:
You can visit each areas website for more information on any animal control or related by-laws: