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Farm Animal Program

What kinds of farm animals can we help?  background

What kinds of farm animals can we help?

Even at our old building, the Guelph Humane Society was always willing to take in farm animals that needed care, from chickens to pigs! While we didn’t have much space, our Animal Care team would create safe and suitable enclosures to make sure farm animals in need had a place to stay.

Now, at our new building at 190 Hanlon Creek Boulevard, we have a dedicated Farm Animal Room which has been occupied since we first moved into the building in March 2021. While chickens (hens and roosters) are our most common guests, we have also recently taken in domestic ducks and expect that we’ll see various other types of farm animals in the coming months!

Our Farm Animal Program is able to accommodate a variety of farm animals. While smaller animals stay in our Farm Animal Room (chickens, ducks, pigs), we can also assist with larger animals (horses, cows) through placing in one of our foster farms until adoption, or by connecting with our partnership network.

Who can I contact? background

Who can I contact?

If you are looking to surrender farm animals into the care of GHS because you can no longer care for them, please email intake@guelphhumane.ca or call 519-824-3091 and ask for Robin.

If you are looking to adopt farm animals from GHS, you can email adoptions@guelphhumane.ca. Keep an eye on our Available Animals webpage, as we sometimes have our farm animals posted for adoption on this page.